Friday, November 14, 2014

Hot Tub Maintenance and Daily Use (Contd)

How much should you clean a hot tub?  Well it isn't just the hot tub, it is also your water quality.
Buy a  New Hot Tub or a Reconditioned Spa | 623-776-7727
Buy a New Hot Tub or a Reconditioned Spa | 623-776-7727

Hot Tubs and Conserving Water and Electricity

here are some tips to conserve water if you have a hot tub.  During the summer, keep the cover on your hot tub when you aren't using it. This will help in keeping the water cooler. Since water absorbs heat slower than the surrounding air, your tub will stay cooler for longer.You could also switch to 'cool water mode' where you basically lower the water's temperature to 85 degrees. Alternatively, do away with the heater completely.
Another thing to think about here in Arizona is that during the summer months when the temperatures can be at or well above 100 degrees, your hot tub water will evaporate far quicker than in more temperate parts of the US.  This is another really good reason to keep your hot tub covered when you're not using it.  Summer has it's own hot tub care instructions, but then again so do the winter months

Can My Pipes in My Hot Tub Freeze?

While freezing conditions are very rare in the Phoenix area, they can and do happen.  Covering your hot tub is one way to prevent it.  You may also wish to call your hot tub dealer to see if it will be necessary to winterize your pipes or take any extra measures to protect your tub from freezing conditions.
During winter,you can drain the tub, winterize the pipes and machinery and then refill. Winterizing involves installing a winter blanket ( this is a vinyl-covered, fiberglass insulated blanket which prevents freezing of the components while minimizing heat loss. You can buy one from your local hot tub dealer) . Test your water and if need be, add the necessary chemicals to the water.
Check for wear and tear and inspect the seal to see if it is still tight and in place. Turn off the thermostat if you're going to be away for an extended period of time, or set it to a lower value when you are around. Drain the tub only when its necessary.
So remember, owning a hot tub is all about relaxation.  So if you know the right things to do, you can use your hot tub for years or even decades to come.  It all starts with a phone call to your hot tub dealer in Glendale.
Sunset Spas of Arizona
7410 W. Bell Rd. Suite 300
Glendale AZ 85308