Friday, February 20, 2015

Hot Tub Care and Maintenance: A Word of Caution on Salt Water Systems (Contd.)

If you are thinking of buying a hot tub, it's vital that you know what to do and what to avoid.  One big thing that you want to use more than a little bit of caution on is a hot water system for your hot tub.
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Hot Tub Sales: Get the Facts

Hot tubs are a wonderful thing to have in your home.  You can expect to have much lower stress levels than a lot of people, better circulation, not to mention a good night's sleep.  A hot tub should never be a cause for stress, especially financial stress.  A salt system, as we covered previously, may not be the low-stress alternative that it seems to be.
What's so stressful about salt water systems in a hot tub?  Well first off, there can be hidden costs.  While hot tub salt is half the cost of hot tub chlorine, the other costs connected with a salt system actually end up costing you more money.  Salt cells are expensive, sometimes as much as $500 and they have to be replaced every year and a half.  In addition, you still have to buy chlorine, De-foamer, and test strips.  Over a period of five to ten years, you will find that you end up spending thousands more on sanitizing your hot tub that you would by buying a hot tub with a traditional chemical based system.  One of the other claims of a salt-water based hot tub is that your skin is healthier and feels better because of using salt water instead of harsh chemicals.  That's not necessarily the case.

Hot Tub Use and Your Water Quality

If all that was in your water was a bit of salt, then your skin would not react adversely to time in the tub,  however, all salt water systems use a salt cell that produces a combination of chlorine, oxygen, and other oxidizers and cleaners that are essentially just chemicals.  In addition, salt water produces oxidizing compounds as well.  Too much of anything, from hot tub chlorine to oxidizers would not be good for anyone's skin.    Another claim of salt water systems is that they are supposedly more eco-friendly.  Wrong.  As we covered above and in our previous article, there are LOT of harsh chemicals in salt-water systems.  Surprisingly enough, a traditional chemical-based hot tub is actually less harmful to the environment than a salt system is because you use less chemicals.  That's not the case with salt water systems.

There are more outrageous claims regarding salt-water systems, which will be covered in a future article, but for now, know that salt water systems may not be as beneficial as you may think when you are looking to buy a new hot tub.

When you are in the market for a spa, you want to make sure you get the right one for your needs.  So if you need a tub that is low maintenance, a salt system may not be the right one for you.  Ultimately, you want to make sure you buy the best hot tub.

Sunset Spas of Arizona
2225 West Pecos Road #8
Chandler, AZ 85224
(480) 656-7267
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