Friday, March 20, 2015

Why UV Sanitizing May Be the Future (Contd.)

Buying a hot tub with a UV sanitizing system puts you on the cutting edge of hot tub ownership. But why should you consider getting a hot tub with a UV system installed?
Get a Hot Tub Glendale | 623-776-7727
Get a Hot Tub Glendale | 623-776-7727

Buying a Hot Tub:  Take Care of Your Tub

We live in a high stress world.  Traffic, work, and even everyday life can make us a jangled bundle of nerves.  It may be time to buy a hot tub.  Soaking in a hot tub is a therapeutic method of stress relief that has been proven to provide a plethora of other health benefits as well.  For example, did you know that a hot tub also helps with improved circulation?
While soaking in a hot tub can be great for your stress levels and your sore muscles, because of the unique environment that a hot tub offers, namely a combination of heat and water, you have to take care of them to avoid any potential health risks.  A hot tub is more risky than a pool because of these higher temperatures, smaller amount of water as well as a greater number of people in the tub as opposed to the pool. Now, like a pool, you could use a chlorine based disinfection system.  You could also use a salt water system, and operate under the illusion that it's cheaper. For the record it isn't.  And in the case of chlorine or bromine based disinfecting systems for your hot tub, both chemicals can cause irritation, and exacerbate conditions such as allergies and asthma.  That's where a UV sanitizing system comes in.

How Can a UV Sanitizing System Help?

These aren't the UV lights that greenhouses use to grow poinsettas or other plants.  The UV light destroys almost 100% of all pathogens in your tub, and as a  result it lowers your chemical use by 90%.  Less chemicals means better health, and less risks of serious health conditions.  Our UV disinfecting systems are ingenious technology that is quickly spreading throughout the hot tub industry.  UV germicidal light ray destroys the genetic material of bacteria, viruses, algae, parasites, cysts and more.
So remember, you want a hot tub for relaxation.  You don't want to think about things like having to go buy some more spa chemicals or when you need to change your salt cell again.  So sit back and relax.  Buy yourself a hot tub with a UV sanitizing system installed.
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7410 W. Bell Rd. Suite 300
Glendale AZ 85308