Friday, October 24, 2014

Hot Tub Sales in Phoenix: What You Should Know (Contd)

There are some things you should know before you hit a hot tub sale in Phoenix...
Buy a  New Hot Tub or a Reconditioned Spa | (480) 656-7267
Buy a New Hot Tub or a Reconditioned Spa | (480) 656-7267

Buying a Hot Tub:  New or Reconditioned

When it is time to buy a hot tub in Phoenix, you want to consider all of your options.  First off, how many people do you want your tub to hold?  What is your budget?  What features are you looking for in a hot tub.  When you answer these questions, then there is one more that you have to ponder.  Should you buy a new hot tub or a reconditioned hot tub?
This time of year is one of the best times to buy a hot tub.  When you have decided both on the capacity and your budget, then it is time consider whether you want to go with a new tub or a reconditioned one.  A lot of people have a knee-jerk reaction to the words "used hot tub" or "reconditioned hot tub."  It's kind of like slapping the words "remake or "reimagining" on a classic movie or television show.  However, if  you find the right dealer, you may be in for a surprise.

Hot Tubs and Dealer Reputation

If you're hesitant about buying a reconditioned tub, a lot of times, you can get a fantastic hot tub deal on a reconditioned spa. Sometimes you can get a deal that is 60% or even less than the cost of a comparable new hot tub. And if you find a good dealer, they will warranty the hot tub that you buy. Why? Well, businesses of all sorts, including spa dealers, are a lot more sensitive to their reputation. If a spa dealer gets a bad reputation by providing a shoddy product, word will travel very quickly. Consumers demand a lot more than they used to. Used cars have warranties, as do many reconditioned electronics. Reconditioned hot tubs are no different.
So before you buy, make sure that all of your questions are answered by your hot tub dealer. Do they provide a warranty? The warranty alone will separate a cut-rate hot tub dealer from one who knows what they are doing. However, there are other things that help you to find a hot tub dealer. Make sure that they can deliver the hot tub. Otherwise what looks like a great hot tub sale suddenly loses its appeal when you have to call for a flatbed to drop it off.


Sunset Spas of Arizona
2225 West Pecos Road #8
Chandler, AZ 85224
(480) 656-7267
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