Friday, October 10, 2014

Hot Tubs and Improving Circulation Contd

Hot tubs contribute to a healthy lifestyle.  How so?  Well, because of a wide range of things that they do.
Hot Tub
Buy a Hot Tub for Stress Relief and Improved Circulation (623) 776-7727

Hot Tub Therapy and Massage

In addition to improved circulation, hot tubs also help  you to relax.  Why does relaxation matter so much?  Well, first off,  a relaxed person is better able to get to sleep at night.  In addition, relaxation also helps to relieve stress, which has been repeatedly linked to heart disease and other health problems.  If a person is stressed, they are less able to fight off disease organisms and other health related problems.  One way that hot tubs help with this is by providing a source of therapeutic massage.

People have a real need to relax.  There are so many things that are sources of stress for most people.  First off, there is work.  In an ideal world, you wouldn't be stressed out by your job.  Or if there was stress, you'd be able to leave it at work and go home to unwind and relax.  However, it sometimes isn't that simple.  Your boss gives you a project that you just can't finish, even if the day was longer.  Stress is unavoidable at work, however, while some stress is acceptable, the stress you have to watch out for is stacking, or unresolved stress.  This stress causes a lot of cascading health problems from pinched nerves to more serious things such as immune system disorders, hypertension, and heart disease.  That's where a hot tub comes in handy: for stress relief  Unlike massage therapists, hot tubs give you a massage when you want it or need it.  Let's say that you soak for about a half hour before bedtime.  This will help you to relax in ways you can't even begin to guess.

Stress Put in It's Place

For example, the way our brains are wired, if you soak in a hot tub,  your mind starts to relax.  Simply staring at the eddies and swirls of your hot tub makes you go into a meditative state.  Since you're calmer and more receptive, a lot of times, the answer to any problems you may have may come to you, simply by soaking in a hot tub.  There isn't anything mystical about it, it's simple brain chemistry.  When your brain relaxes, so does your body.
So remember, you want everything you can to help you in life.  Balance your work life, your education, your family, and most important of all, schedule some time for yourself.  One place to spend this time is right in your own home: your hot tub.
Sunset Spas of Arizona
7410 W. Bell Rd. Suite 300
Glendale AZ 85308